Thursday, December 26, 2019

Student’s speak: How Priyanka overcame her phobia of English speaking

Everyone has some kind of fear in life. For example, the fear of heights, the fear of dogs, the fear of strangers and the fear of Mathematics. Some have the fear of snake as well. I also had a fear, the fear of English. Mostly while speaking and delivering speeches in public especially in front of those who spoke fluently.

When I was in school, the English subject was not given much importance. It was a Odia medium school. We had the choice to opt for English medium for some subjects even if we were taught in Odia. I had chosen to study Science and Maths in English. Everything was going good. I was proud of myself since I was far better than most of the students in this language

Soon, I moved to a good college in Bhubaneswar and found that many of the students were speaking English fluently as if they are born and brought up in English speaking surroundings. They were convent educated students and from that day I realised my hold on English was not good. I started stammering in front of those students. Even if I could speak a few sentences easily, I couldn’t in front of them... a kind of inferiority complex developed in me and induced the fear of English. Every day I questioned GOD as to why I was not convent educated, I could have been so much better. I could have been more confident in front of everyone. I tried to improve this English Language... remembered words from some English vocabulary books but didn’t find proper and methodical approach to learn. I read Magazines in English, It helped but it was not up to the mark. I needed to step up my game.

Time passed and I joined in good company and found all my colleagues were very articulate. They had a hold on this language. Literally I had cried because of my shortcoming in English speaking...
Again I tried and improved some more and was able to communicate at my work place... but I failed in Public Speaking. Hesitation to speak in front of others didn’t disappear… It was painful for me. 

Meanwhile I read a book Alchemist in which it was written “when you desire something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”. I gave it some thought... I made my fear into my desire. My fear of speaking English transformed to my desire of speaking English fluently with anyone... soon my state of Mind changed and I chased my desire. It was my dream and my desire. Soon I found an advertisement of English Club on Facebook and I guessed the Universe was conspiring to help me get my desire. My kids joined English Club during their summer holidays. After a few days I joined English Club for myself.

Gradually I started improving in communicative English. My course is not fully covered yet...but I am able to speak in front of anyone.. I feel more confident. The faculty is really good at it.  By the time, it gets over, I will be more confident. I believe we can overcome our fear with practice, patience, perseverance.

I am still on the way to conquer my fear... I am still on verge of fulfilling my desire...
And it is rightly said ‘Find out what you are afraid of and go live there.’
Lastly I have to quote 
“Fear does not exist anywhere except in the mind.”

This article has been written by Priyanka Pattnaik a student at English Club. English Club helps learners to improve their communication skills by providing highly quality English speaking courses.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Simple Approach To Improve Vocabulary

English Club
“A man with a scant vocabulary will almost certainly be a weak thinker”
– Henry Hazlitt
Words play a vital role in communication. When it comes to the choice of words in a sentence it isn’t easy to be perfect all the time. Most of the English language learners complain that they fall short of words when they speak, whereas, some people even say that it is a challenge for them to remember or recall the words when they are in a conversation. But majority of the learners confront problems related to building a bank of words. Thus, it’s pertinent to only only learn and improve vocabulary, but also to retain the words long enough to use it in conversations.

Well, now imagine, how you would feel if you had a magical potion that would solve all the vocabulary problems?

We always give ideas or suggestions to language learners to build the word power. And, Yes! The most popular ideas suggested to the learners are reading a newspaper, magazine or a book.

Understand, not everyone in this world likes caffeine. Some people are addicted to water too. Let us keep it simple. Reading doesn’t work for all. So we need another method that works for all.

The Approach

Vocabulary can be built with a simple approach and that is ‘Knowledge”. Knowledge of words is important for its use. With knowledge of word, I do not mean to look up for the word in the dictionary.

Knowledge of the word includes three things:
  • Know the part of speech of the given word
  • Know the meaning of the word
  • Know if there are any synonyms of the word

It is definitely easy for people to use adjectives over nouns. In an English class, students were asked to pick a word and frame a sentence. Guess what were the words? The words were, ‘angry’ and ‘anger’. Majority of the students chose angry to form the sentence. Why did they choose angry? Not because they didn’t know the meaning of “Anger”. It was because it is an adjective and is easy to use whereas anger is a noun and learners found it difficult to place it in a sentence.

How can English language learners build and improve vocabulary?

Knowledge of the word. Get to know the part of speech of the word before its meaning. “Knowledge is power.”
Be realistic. Use the word in situations that are realistic.
To make sure that you remember all the words, it is important to use the word daily at least three times in three different sentences. But try to be as real as you can.
Reading is a great way to build your vocabulary. However, pick up books or genres that interest you. Picking up books based on popularity and likes of other people may not help much.
Look for synonyms. It is just another way to increase your knowledge and build a power bank.

Remember, you are gaining knowledge about words and not just simply building your vocabulary. Knowledge comes with experience and time. Be patient and keep absorbing!

EnglishClub English Speaking Institutes  offers a range of courses to help you speak better English and get smarter.

Call +91-9668158007 

Prepare yourself for a better tomorrow

Student’s speak: How Priyanka overcame her phobia of English speaking

Everyone has some kind of fear in life. For example, the fear of heights, the fear of dogs, the fear of strangers and the fear of Math...